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Mission Statement

LaFSA seeks to achieve a visible commitment to the inclusion and valuing of Latino/Hispanic Faculty, Staff, and Students at The University of Texas at Arlington and the community at large.

LaFSA's Purpose

  1. To promote increased opportunities for initial employment, retention, and career growth and development for Latino faculty and staff at the university.
  2. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues and problems of concern to Latino faculty and staff members at UT Arlington.
  3. To provide a mutually supportive social and cultural milieu for Latino faculty and staff at UT Arlington.
  4. To provide a mechanism for interacting with the administration and the broader University community on issues which affect or are of concern to Latino faculty and staff at UT Arlington.
  5. To monitor and encourage the inclusion of cultural diversity as an integral part of the mission of The University of Texas at Arlington.
Constitution and By-Laws Approved: 07-15-2020

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